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Tour with us

View the calendar below to see the events and tour times we already have booked. Use the contact sheet below to reach out to us and let us show you The Acreage.

New Clients

This is for our first time visitors of The Acreage. Choose this link to schedule a time to meet our team, tour the property, and get a detailed proposal of costs for your event with us. We will set aside 90 minutes for this time with you.

NOTE: The building is NOT complete yet

This link works best for new clients who want to meet the team and get a detailed proposal of costs for your event with us from the comfort of your own home.

This is for current clients who are wanting to come into the space for planning purposes or vendor tours.

Current Clients

This is for clients who have an event rapidly approaching and are ready to conduct their final walkthrough and plan all final details with our staff.

This is for vendors who would like to come onsite for planning or other needs.

563 L Rd.

Palmyra, NE 68418

Contact via phone or text:



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Visit The Acreage

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